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  • mathieudi-miceli

Generative art

I became fascinated by "generative art" in 2019, which is computerised graphical art. This entire in silico work is now growing worldwide, with artists becoming increasingly popular.

Amongst the many tools to perform generative art, R (available here) and Matlab (available here) are quite (in)famous. Whilst coding under these softwares can be dawnting at first, the ever-increasing community-based forums are extremely helpful (and friendly !) for any issues that might arise. If you are stuck, believe me, somebody else faced that situation before !

Whilst these softwares are amongst the most powerful maths/stats interfaces, they are also capable of drawing extremely complex figures (e.g. genomics, for an example, see Figure 5 here). Generative art is therefore possible using simple or complex coding.

Below are 2 examples of generative art using R.

Inspiration and coding for the following art pieces were found in Katharina Brunner's website.

In the following example, generation of random forms (circles, rectangles, lines, etc...) are coded in R. The use of different colours and textures is also highlighted.

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